Search Windpower Monthly

29 results

Wilhelmshaven conference


Local participation and open access

Local Quebec industry will benefit the most from "conservative" wind energy projects, incl...

Too soon to cast renewables adrift

Optimism over the opportunities for renewable energies in the UK liberalised electricity market shou...

Wind stirs in tropical heat of Brazil

September's Ecowind '96 conference in Fortaleza, Brazil, sought to push wind development into the ma...

Major hope emerges in green pricing

At the 12th international Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) conference in Alberta in October...

Benefits broader than realised

A key message of the first conference in Britain on the social and economic impact of renewable ener...

Average attendance

Attendance at the British Wind Energy Association conference in Exeter in September was average, wit...

Policy outlined but not defined

A new policy document, Power for a Sustainable Future, by the British Wind Energy Association was pr...

Women in training

Latin American women are the target of a renewables training conference and exhibit next month in Ec...

Independence Day parade, Conference Digest

A wind turbine will be in the July 4th Independence Day parade in Spirit Lake, Iowa. The Z-40 was to...

$12.5 million turbines to a Chinese trading company,Conference Digest

The Export-Import Bank of the US is loaning $11 million to Zond Corp for sales of $12.5 million turb...

27 MW in Oaxaca, Conference Digest

A solicitation will be issued this year by Mexico's Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) sometime ...

Green pricing is becoming more popular, Conference Digest

Green pricing is becoming more popular -- and Public Service of Colorado (PSC) is the latest to indi...

Request for proposals for three to five "distributed" projects, Conference Digest

The expected request for proposals for three to five "distributed" projects developed by u...

Habitat II conference ignores role of renewables

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar should have been far more seriously addressed at the...

Local suppliers and manufacturers meet

An event aimed at bringing together component manufacturers from Wales and European turbine makers a...

Southwest Windpower sold about 5000 300 W turbines, Conference Digest

Southwest Windpower is selling about 550 small turbines monthly, the Tuscon-based company said at Wi...

Preliminary target of 150 MW, Conference Digest

Colorado is forming a task force to study how it can use more renewables. The executive order, by Go...

Facts and figures, CONFERENCE DIGEST,


Quiet exhibition, CONFERENCE DIGEST,

The poorly attended exhibition at EUWEC '96 was one of the smallest for some years at a European win...

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