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Argentinian turbines in Brazil -- From hydro plant to wind

The Brazilian wind power subsidiary of Argentina's Industrias Metallurgicas Perscarmona SA (IMPSA), ...

Wind turbine in the Andes erected at highest altitude yet for wind power generation

By the end of the year, British engineering company Seawind is to begin operating a wind turbine at ...

Breaking a market monopoly -- Suzlon shuffle in Brazil

Suzlon wind turbines totalling 155 MW will soon be on the way to Brazil for four wind projects led b...

Renewables firm Bioenergy hopes to develop up to 270 MW of wind

Brazilian renewable energy developer Bioenergy is seeking up to BRL 2.12 billion ($1.05 billion) to ...

Suzlon breaks Enercon monopoly in Brazil

India's Suzlon has delivered its first wind turbines for erection in Brazil. Nineteen 2.1 MW units h...

Wind players pull out of auction -- Brazil renewables contracts

As feared, no wind bids were submitted in Brazil's auction of power purchase contracts for renewable...

Brazil attracts Australian investor

Even with a deal of market uncertainty (main story), Brazil's incentives for renewables continue to ...

Huge potential butaction still limited -- Brazil shows the way in Latin America

Brazil continues to lead the way in Latin America, leaping ahead with 208.3 MW coming online in 2006...

Brazil attracts investment interest -- Australian firm weighs options

Australian energy company Pacific Hydro is looking at moving ahead with three wind projects in the w...

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