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33 results

Big two deny rumours of co-operation on tenders

Rumours have been lurking quietly around Denmark after a report in the July edition of Renewable Ene...

Wind farm proposed for Great Yarmouth

Western Windpower has applied for planning consent for four Enercon 1.5 MW E66 turbines at Great Yar...

New Windpower Monthly correspondents

Two new correspondents have joined the team at Windpower Monthly, bringing the total number of corre...

Investment without a future

The federal ministry of natural resources has agreed to offer C$80,000 in financing to Polymarin Hur...

California wind wholesaler exits market

Foresight Energy Company, which once provided wholesale green energy in California, has completed it...

Class action RET case dismissed

The Ontario Superior Court has rejected a C$250 million class action lawsuit by a group of 47 renewa...

R&D budget cuts likely

Wind is not faring well in debate on its budget for research and development. Sizeable cuts over las...

New planning directive agreed

A new national planning directive for wind development has been agreed after more than a year of tal...

Utility sets up renewables wing

The largest electricity supplier in Italy, ENEL, has set up a new company to market energy produced ...

Richardson praises power marketer

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson is enthusiastic about a deal in which the Bonneville Power Admin...

Owners of small turbines worried about subsidy loss

The price of wind in Denmark after the bells toll in year 2000 is a major concern for thousands of o...

Texas 30 MW phase on-line

The 30 MW Delaware Mountain Windfarm in Texas, developed by Enron Wind and owned by American Nationa...

Unique restructuring in Oregon

The Oregon legislature has passed a unique utility restructuring bill, which is soon expected to be ...

First urban project gets cash

North America's first urban wind turbine project is now well on its way to realisation following a f...

Market projection surprise for 2025

If market based projections are correct, the province of Ontario will lead Canada's wind capacity in...

Blade waste concern

Europe will dispose of between 500-2000 tonnes of used wind turbine blade material annually before y...

August index special

As in previous years, the August issue of Windpower Monthly is devoted to our annual abstract and he...

North Dakota DOE initiative

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has identified several potential sites for development of wind far...

European Commission REFIT threat not so scary

After a flurry of dismayed indignation, the German wind lobby is not taking too seriously the Europe...

Country's largest wind farm on-line

The total installed wind capacity of Finland was nearly doubled to 20 MW last month when an 8 MW win...

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