Search Windpower Monthly

61 results

Striking back

Friends of the Earth and environmental campaigner Jonathan Porritt joined forces with the British Wi...

Benefits broader than realised

A key message of the first conference in Britain on the social and economic impact of renewable ener...

Average attendance

Attendance at the British Wind Energy Association conference in Exeter in September was average, wit...

Texans vote renewable again


Below fossil price

At least one of the two wind projects which won a contract under Northern Ireland's latest order for...

Issues and solutions

Although California legislators rejected the American Wind Energy Association's "renewables por...

Disappointment over EDF tender


Firms combine on international marketing


New branch of EWEA launched



The "notice of termination" to end Kenetech's operating agreement on its KVS-33 turbines i...

SMUD tender attracts eight wind proposals


Confused utility views on renewables

Germany's powerful utilities association admits that wind energy will make by far the biggest contri...

Ontario Hydro allows renewables to bank power


EDON investigates Kenetech blade replacements


Canadian Tacke turbines chosen for Wisconsin


Fiscal incentives for investment in renewables


Canada under pressure

Many of Canada's electric utility monopolies remain under pressure from the US Federal Energy Regula...


The Danish industry continues to account for more than half the world's wind power -- and its share ...

Policies defined in election count down

With a month until America's presidential election, differences in the candidates' views are increas...

Existing bird studies misleading

A review of international literature warns wind farm developers to beware of using data from existin...

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