Publicly traded energy company York Research Corporation is to design, build and operate a $50 milli...
In the US, wind lobbyists have had some initial assurances that President Bill Clinton's controversi...
A new Canadian wind company, Wenvor-Vergnet Canada Inc, will manufacture its own version of the 25 k...
As many as 4300 electricity consumers in Colorado had signed up for wind power under Public Service ...
Starting in March some 5000 customers of Clark County in southern Washington state will be able to c...
United States Vice President Al Gore announced a broad initiative early last month to help China and...
The Alberta government has delayed funding to the Alberta Renewable Energy Test Site near Pincher Cr...
Kenetech Windpower's assets in the Pacific Northwest can now be bought by Zond Development Corp, a s...
A 24.9 MW wind project in Oregon state being developed by ESI Energy Inc (see above) is not only pro...
In Canada, parliamentarian Clifford Lincoln has challenged his own Liberal Party government to show ...
The Texas utility Central and South West Corporation (CSW) of Dallas will not comment on rumours tha...
Discussion of how best to tackle the liberalised power market dominated the 1997 Canadian Wind Energ...
The new Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) president is Jim Salmon of Zephyr North. In the bo...
Enron Corp has announced plans to build 39 MW of wind plant in southern California. The new wind far...
There were no bird strikes at a Bonus wind turbine near a major migration flight path for trumpeter ...
Falling energy prices due to deregulation are making it so hard for renewables to penetrate the mark...
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has now awarded all four of its promised contracts f...
Bob Sherwin of US company Atlantic Orient Corp of Norwich, Vermont, reported a dramatic growth in co...
A newly developed Dutch Delta Junior wind powered water pump turbine, manufactured by Dutch Industri...
An open procurement may well be issued for a wind turbine for a 25 MW project being developed by uti...