New health and safety guidelines specifically for the wind industry have just been published. The Br...
The Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources expects more than 5000 MW to be generated from the r...
Spanish conservationists have for the time being lost their battle against the 10 MW Jandia wind far...
The poor finances of India's State Electricity Boards (SEBs) will become "a major drag on the e...
A new tax write-off scheme for, among other things, investments in wind energy (Windpower Monthly, J...
A new initiative to "consolidate the position of renewable energies in Joule" was announce...
A 7.5 MW wind farm proposed for Meenacahan in Donegal has been rejected by the County Council. The p...
Final proposals for grants for technology export must be submitted to the California Energy Commissi...
After a year of study, Washington state regulators say they want a gradual transition to a competiti...
The impact of staff cuts at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will be minimal on the N...
A non-profit group has started a five year feasibility study on the wind resource in north east Ohio...
Dunkirk's long planned and long awaited wind farm of nine machines has again been delayed. The sudde...
GET Gesellschaft für Energietechnik inaugurated its largest project yet on January 20, a 4.65 M...
Europe's largest operational wind turbine -- the 3 MW WEG LS1 on Orkney -- began the year with a rec...
The wind business has settled its dispute with Nozema, the organisation responsible for broadcasting...
Regulating the output of Germany's largest wind power station is likely to reduce the production of ...
India's economic hiccup is having its effect on wind turbine orders -- some 500-600 unsold machines ...
A new opinion poll showing yet again that Americans want sustainable energy programmes has prompted ...
New Zealand should be able to learn from the last decade of European wind farm commercialisation and...
Scottish Office failure: no revenue for hard strapped operator Government bungling has put Scotland'...