This year's annual wind power conference in Stockholm, Sweden, was the best yet and follows the gove...
The prospect of gleaning detailed advice and basic information drew most participants to the 5th Aac...
The future of the country's electricity feed law (EFL), local concern about development and acceptan...
The EWEA Special Topic Conference, The Economics of Wind Energy, was held in a country hotel outside...
A common consensus in the international wind community on how best to shape an energy market of the ...
A workshop for the Utility Wind Turbine Verification Programme is being held on September 27-28 in F...
A workshop for the Utility Wind Turbine Verification Programme is being held on September 27-28 in F...
The value of wind on the grid, mechanisms for trading it on the power network, and industry opportun...
Exhibitors were pleased, with a record demand for exhibition space; delegates rated conference facil...
Some 250 were present at this year's British Wind Energy Association conference in Warwick from July...
Renergie '95 was the second renewables energy congress to be held in Hamm, Germany. The North Rhine ...
Attendance soared at this year's wind fair in Tehachapi. As many as 20,000 people from all over the ...
At the ninth annual International Wind Diesel Workshop, held June 5-7 in the New Hampshire town of H...
An unusual wind art symposium, named "Windfang," is to be held in Husum, Schleswig-Holstei...
The second annual wind energy association conference in Ireland opened on a high note at Mallow in C...
A seminar in New Zealand held to discuss the country's wind energy scene disappointed its organiser ...
American wind industry troops stormed the US Capitol for two full afternoons of lobbying after being...
At Windpower '95 the exhibition was far smaller than at wind events in Europe, though a Danish Micon...
The Renewable Asia Pacific '95 (RAP '95) conference and exhibition dealt with applications and comme...
The annual conference of the Irish Wind Energy Association will be held April 25-26 at Mallow in Cou...