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59 results

Ministers talk tough on permit delays

Local authorities who fail to find sites for wind farms in the Netherlands will have to face the wra...

Kenetech 1, Shareholders 0

One time California wind giant Kenetech Corp has prevailed in one of its many lawsuits, this one bro...

Pennsylvania deal for green power

Construction starts this month near Garrett in Pennsylvania of eight 1.3 MW Nordex turbines which by...

New transparency regulations in Ontario

New regulations will require electricity retailers in Ontario's coming competitive market place to d...

FPL Energy educates local residents in Wisconsin

FPL Energy has decided to temporarily withdraw its permit application for a 30 MW wind farm near Mil...

Condor habitat left in peace

After a furore that sparked national publicity, an agreement has been reached over a 18.75 MW wind f...

Fears for California green market

Starting December 1, California is reducing its customer credit for purchases of renewable energy by...

Fuzzy but positive signals in Spain

With Spain's general election set for March 2000, campaigning gusts of hot air from left, right and ...

Green credits from cradle to grave

From January 1, owners of wind turbines in Denmark will be paid for their electricity in two forms: ...

Higher emissions reduction target at lower cost

A new study has shown that meeting the UK government's target of a 20% reduction in carbon dioxide e...

Wind and salmon both to benefit

In a unique green offering, Portland General Electric hopes to give customers a choice to pay a prem...

Not enough wind power in Wisconsin

Madison Gas & Electric (MG&E) in Wisconsin has fully subscribed its wind power green pricing...

A fourth way

The three support systems for wind operating in Europe, or about to be introduced-fixed price tariff...

Wind mandate suspense at Northern States Power

Minnesota utility Northern States Power (NSP) has pushed back its decision on who will be included i...

Reform retains fixed premium tariff

Germany's economy ministry has produced a first, unauthorised draft for amended legislation governin...

Huge market boost hangs in the balance

Last minute amendments to the European Commission's latest controversial proposal for a directive to...

In search of the perfect support system

With wind energy growing at an annual rte of around 30% in Europe, the pressing need for changing th...

NEPC Group restructures with wind focus

One of India's two largest wind companies, The National Energy Processing Company Group of India has...

Shell plans offshore wind plants

Shell Solar is examining six potential wind farm sites off the coasts of Germany, Denmark, France, N...

Climate change levy benefit

Renewable energy is to be exempt from the UK's proposed tax on business use of energy-the so called ...

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