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10 results

Renewables bilateral co-operation with Egypt

A co-operation agreement has been reached between Egypt and India to boost the use of new and renewa...

Africa initiative includes wind

The poor country of Malawi in southern Africa is starting to encourage the use of renewable energy s...

Global warming grant for wind power development

The World Bank has approved a "global warming grant" that includes $3.7 million for wind power devel...

Financial incentives part of new plan

Financial incentives for renewables have been introduced in Tanzania in East Africa. The government ...

Nordex wins second wind aid contract at Zafarana

The second contract has been signed for a wind power aid project at Zafarana on the Red Sea coast, a...

Island aid for more wind

Installed wind capacity on the islands of Cape Verde in the mid Atlantic may soon more than triple t...

First major wind farm

After a long, patient struggle, Turkey's first sizeable wind farm -- and the first to be built as a ...

Egyptian wind moves at last with Danish contract

After years of project planning and false starts, a contract has been signed for Denmark's first 30 ...

Zimbabwe creates renewables fund

Zimbabwe is reported to be seeking about $5.5 million to set up a fund for renewable energy, accordi...

Namibia eyes wind to help electricity shortage

Namibia faces crippling electricity shortages from as early as next year -- and wind power is one of...

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