Search Windpower Monthly

17 results

OPINION: Making the most of the offshore wind boom

With the pace of offshore deployment increasing, the supply chain needs to keep pace. Here, vessel s...

On Reflection: Protocol must safeguard intellectual property

WORLDWIDE: The past eight years has seen the pace of innovation slow in the wind industry. With a re...

On Reflection: Whom should we thank for wind energy's success?

WORLDWIDE: Through careful international collaboration between engineers, researchers and technician...

Viewpoint: Wind can be flexible - if given a reason

WORLDWIDE: Wind projects are often presented as a problem for the grid. They have different characte...

On Reflection: High ambitions needed to lower costs

WORLDWIDE: Downwind turbines of up to 10MW mounted on floating foundations might sound like somethin...

Husum's future depends on vision and compromise

GERMANY: Husum WindEnergy's slogan of 2012 confidently read: "The leading international wind trade f...

Extending lifetime is often the best option

WORLDWIDE: Years ago as part of a seminar on sustainable project development, I attended a presentat...

One size does not always fit all

WORLDWIDE: There was a time when I used to spend hours every week in the waiting area of our local m...

The 5MW Multibrid -- Sometimes truly innovative ideas come good

WORLDWIDE: A friend of mine once said to me that he did not care whether a story was factually true ...

Everyone needs a basic knowledge of energy

WORLDWIDE: At the European Wind Energy Association's annual conference in Brussels earlier this year...

A few lessons on the dangers of hype

Years ago, as an engineering student, I attended a class on internal combustion engines. Our lecture...

Failure fallout

A video clip of a runaway wind turbine in Denmark and its dramatic disintegration, filmed from the w...

Securing the future requires a giant leap

Patiently waiting a decade or more for wind power to become definitively cheaper than all other form...

Lean blades for tomorrow's world

Tomorrow's blades will be made from raw materials in a sophisticated and highly integrated process c...

Costs and carbon

Worldwide interest in the fledgling carbon trade is on the rise. Currently, the market price for a t...

A question of credibility

The Danish wind power industry has always had a special relationship with its home market customers,...

Setting the agenda for the long term

Like so many of life's disciplines, the best legislation for meeting policy aims is often fraught wi...

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