Search Windpower Monthly

45 results

Mammoth declared extinct

The 4 MW Hamilton Standard wind turbine in Wyoming self-destructed in a catastrophic accident last m...

Substantial growth

Use of wind energy in Germany continued to grow in 1993, with an 84% increase in total installed cap...

Financing solutions sought

Prospects for future financing of renewables in Britain received a boost when the Department of Trad...

Texas project largest by far outsind of California

A 250 MW commercial wind farm is being planned in Texas. In mid-January, Kenetech Windpower announce...

New regulations

Subsidy applicants in 1994 stand to gain a little less support and have fewer turbines to choose fro...

Good investment

A just released study on the economics of wind turbine ownership in Denmark concludes that wind ener...

LM Glasfiber in Madras, India

LM Glasfiber, the wind industry's largest supplier of rotor blades, is building a production plant o...

Back in the USA

Shipping this month: After a decade away the Dutch wind industry has re-entered the American market....

Recently released book

A recently released book, A New Power Base: Renewable Energy Policies for the Nineties and Beyond, c...

Klickitat County

Little-known wind company Mariah Energy Group is proposing building a wind farm on five acres in Kli...

Advice for investors

Publication in Germany of a new guide to investing in renewable energy projects has raked up more di...

Building blades

Blades for Kenetech Windpower turbines are being made by TPI Inc of Warren, Rhode Island. The compan...

Bonsai Wind Farm

A spoof advertisement for a Bonsai Wind Farm to "harness those household draughts" appeare...

Advice to farmers on financing

A series of seminars on opportunities for local, small scale wind energy applications is being organ...

Solution lies in greater knowledge

The problem of avian mortality at wind farms has been recognised for some time. There have been seve...

The Fossil Fuel Levy will remain at 10%

The Fossil Fuel Levy will remain at 10% for at least a further year from April, says Stephen Littlec...

Amendment introduced

An amendment to the rules governing applications for support under the 250 MW programme has also bee...

New monitor group has been formed

A new group has been formed to monitor proposed wind energy developments. The National Windpower Con...

Kenetech will be financing two projects in southern California

Kenetech Windpower has announced financing for two projects, costing a total of $82 million in capit...

Benefits for wind energy

Lower Saxony has passed an amendment to its Nature Protection Law with two benefits for wind energy....

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