The Alberta government has delayed funding to the Alberta Renewable Energy Test Site near Pincher Cr...
A compendium of all renewable energy projects operating in India, plus information on the policy ini...
The International Energy Agency's Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP) is stepping up its activitie...
General Motors (GM) has announced plans to run a fleet of electric automobiles charged on wind energ...
The World Energy Council (WEC) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austr...
Up to 1400 MW of wind can be taken on to the grid in Schleswig-Holstein without the need for major h...
The European Commission's research directorate, DG XII, was busy promoting the "MEASNET" m...
The federal wind research and development budget for fiscal year 1998, which started on October 1, i...
Three Finnish researchers from Ekono Oy consulting company have identified 70 possible sites for 250...
Hydro Quebec has concluded a C$5 million agreement with Energie Le Nordais (ELN) for the supply and ...
A pilot water pumping project for Ethiopia could save many lives, says a charitable group based in S...
Electricity distribution is one of eight critical infrastructures in America that is increasingly in...
Wind energy could make a sizeable contribution to achieving German government CO2 reduction goals, c...
In the midst of the turmoil surrounding Ontario Hydro's announcement that it is to shut seven of its...
DIY wind turbines could become a feature of the British landscape if many wind energy enthusiasts fo...
Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma and New York are the states chosen for siting five projects selected...
A new test station for wind turbines, the third in Germany and the first in the east, has now been o...
Electricity retailer EnergyAustralia has announced plans to build a 200 kW photovoltaic power statio...
Using a series of measurements from northern Portugal's steep, hilly terrain, Tony Bowen of the Univ...
The first test station for wind turbines at an inland site in Germany, Windtest Grevenbroich, was in...