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77 results

Price breakthrough claimed; Radical technology

A small-scale diffuser-augmented wind turbine (DAWT) is set for field testing in New Zealand in the ...

New market guide


European support for Cuba project

Cash from Spain and the European Union (EU) will allow energy starved Cuba to site a 1 MW wind farm ...

Nippon aerates sewage with wind


Award for small turbine


Creating wind energy down drafts


Strikes causing concern

Damage to wind turbines by lightning is not uncommon and occurs despite measures taken by manufactur...

Gates open for next round of support

The second call for proposals under the European Union Joule-Thermie support programme for non-nucle...

The shape of things to come

In America, The National Wind Technology Centre, operated by the National Renewable Energy Laborator...

Integrating wind

A new fact sheet from the American Wind Energy Association, based on work by Robert Putnam of Electr...

Development sites fetch high price

National Wind Power (NWP) in the UK has bid $3 million for three potential wind farm sites in north ...

Toronto demo


New branch of EWEA launched


EDON investigates Kenetech blade replacements



Wind turbine sizes and ratings are still moving steadily upwards, with 600 kW power ratings now comm...

Tacke turbine loses carbon fibre blade


United Nations action on renewables


Good hearing for European wind lobbyists at Geneva convention on climate change.


Brent Spar wind plant plans


EU pushes clean power at two levels


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