The 9.35 MW Baglio Nasco wind farm, near Marsala in Sicily, provided the backdrop for a contemporary...
In advertisements in Sweden, Volvo Cars Sweden AB, owned by Ford Motor Co, is claiming its new line ...
Administrative and network barriers continue to hinder development of wind energy and other renewabl...
Two well attended sessions on the conflicts between air travel and wind farms at the British wind in...
Following last month's ruling by the UK advertising watchdog that wind industry claims over carbon s...
Investor confidence in wind power is growing, witness the relative stability of wind stocks during t...
Horizon Wind Energy has won a hard fought battle in Washington State in its nearly five-year effort ...
Amplitude modulation of aerodynamic noise (AM), a phenomenon associated with wind turbine blades, is...
Two large Ontario wind projects that emerged as winners from a government request for propoals two y...
In August, at the height of the hot summer season, over 200 people paid $6 each to ride up a chairli...
Despite the opposition to wind power of some regional governments, Italians in general are largely s...
A future where small wind generators spin atop church steeples is one in which Mike Sandler believes...
With demand for wind turbines well outstripping supply, the indications are that lack of hardware wi...
A full size wind turbine installed in the heart of Brussels was the centrepiece of the European Wind...
It was the obstacles to wind's growth in Italy that dominated discussions among Italian participants...
For the second time in as many months, citizens of a Tuscan town have voted in favour of wind power....
Italians went to the polls for the first time to vote on whether or not they wanted a wind farm loca...
A growing gap is emerging in the UK between supply and demand for electricity from renewables, accor...
The claim by wind's opponents that wind farms in the locality have a negative affect on property sal...
Italy's media went into overdrive on wind power last month when the country's public works minister,...