Plans for the Netherlands' Near Shore Windpark (NSW) are back on track following the favourable outc...
In a race to secure sites in German waters for potential wind development, two more companies have a...
If governments in the North Sea region are serious about offshore wind they must stop licensing oil ...
German wind energy developer and operator Plambeck Neue Energien has a grid connection agreement for...
Some ten kilometres off the Wicklow coast of Ireland lies the proposed site of one of the world's la...
The Swedish environment court has approved plans for a 42 MW offshore wind farm off Näsudden. T...
With the seventh and final rotor installed and last length of sea cable connected, offshore construc...
The Dutch economy ministry has postponed its decision on the site of the Netherlands' long-planned N...
Offshore wind energy could provide one-third of the electricity demand of the island of Ireland by 2...
It took 12 hours to transport the first wind turbine foundation from the dry dock at Copenhagen out ...
Japan's New Energy Development Organisation has granted ยด10 billion for research into the potential ...
Finland's capital, Helsinki, could get 10% of its electricity from offshore if a wind plant of 2 MW ...
Five off-shore wind plant totalling 200 MW have been proposed for sites off the coast of Tarifa by E...
Two numerical errors crept into the articles last month on progress with offshore wind in Denmark. E...
Pohjolan Voima, a large industry-owned power producer, is preparing a feasibility study for an "indu...
Shivers of commercial anticipation cut through the general air of market uncertainty at this year's ...
The Irish government has granted seven licences to four consortia to test for sites for wind plant o...
Vestas Offshore is to join ABB and Smit International as partners in a consortium sponsored by Dutch...
With 750 MW of offshore wind plants to be built in Danish waters over the next seven years, the dome...
With nearly 6000 wind turbines now turning on land, the time has come to start the offshore phase of...