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79 results

Second offshore tender issued for 200 MW

The Danish energy ministry has issued its second 200 MW offshore wind farm tender of the year. Once ...

Consultation on claims that offshore development will hit tourism and fishing

The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia on Finland's mid-west coast has begun a public consultation in ...

Positive report stirs up opponents -- Cape Cod offshore

A favourable draft environmental assessment by the US Army Corps of Engineers of the 454 MW Cape Win...

Negligible risk to wildlife offshore

Marine life gets along well with offshore wind power. Not only do wind turbines installed at sea pos...

Senators fail in back room sabotage bid -- Offshore debacle continue

Two of the most powerful senators in the United States failed in a backroom bid last month to stop a...

E:ON UK pulls out of Northern Ireland offshore plant

E.ON UK (formerly Powergen) has pulled out of the consortium that is looking into building an offsho...

Advocates cringe at scattershot approach -- More fuel for offshore fire

Proposals for huge offshore wind farms put forward by a little known company in the US Northeast hav...

Strong winds delay Horns Reef repairs

Unseasonably windy weather has slowed Vestas down on its retrofit of 80, 2 MW turbines at the Danish...

Exploiting opportunities offshore in Northeast

The offshore wind industry could bring the UK up to 76,000 new jobs by 2020, 38,000 of them in the n...

Double Dutch on offshore policy -- Fine words but disastrous action

One of the Netherlands' two planned offshore wind farms faces premature death from a government prop...

Pushing offshore wind up the agenda

Offshore wind looks set to move up Europe's political agenda after a call by ministers and renewable...

Heading offshore in China

A German wind energy developer and investment consultancy has gained approval from the provincial go...

Cape Cod offshore project opponents site technical problems at Horns Reef

The technology problems at Horns Reef in Denmark -- site of the world's largest offshore wind statio...

No foreign interest in Denmark offshore -- Three giants and a consortium of enthusiasts bid for 200 MW

Denmark's next government sponsored offshore wind power station -- a 200 MW extension to the existin...

Investor confidence returns offshore

Doubts about the progress of the first round of UK offshore wind farms appear to be fading as an inc...

Permits for Sweden's Utgrund II offshore wind project

Airicole has received initial approval for its 24 turbine Utgrunden II offshore project, to be locat...

Developer forced to use larger turbines -- Downsized pilot wins approval

An 80 turbine offshore pilot project off the German coast, Sandbank 24, has won approval from the fe...

Six Enercon turbines planned off Finland's coast

Alands Vindenergi Andelslag (AVA) says it will proceed with plans for an offshore wind farm in the N...

Abandoned Gulf of Mexico oil platforms seen as potential wind farm sites

When the president of Grand Vent Wind Energy Systems Technologies LLC in the United States thinks ab...

Deepwater demonstration

A Canadian oil giant says it is ready to start the next phase of a £24 million demonstration wind pr...

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