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AMSC works with Chinese on 5.5MW

WORLDWIDE: There are two new 5MW-plus turbines in pipeline from Chinese manufacturers following the ...

Designing the new Hydrautrans 9MW

NETHERLANDS: Netherlands company Nestor Management Consultants is working on Hydrautrans, a 9MW offs...

Enercon E-126 7.5MW still world's biggest

WORLDWIDE: Despite being launched five years ago, the second-generation Enercon EUR126 7.5MW wind tu...

Haliade prototype delivers first power

WORLDWIDE: Alstom's 6MW Haliade 150 prototype has produced its first kilowatt-hours at an onshore si...

Repower outlines offshore strategy

WORLDWIDE: Repower was the world's first turbine supplier to install a 5MW offshore-dedicated protot...

Mitsubishi launches 7MW turbine

WORLDWIDE: At the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) offshore conference last month Mitsubishi ...

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