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77 results

Utility leader calls for regulation

The EU should make it compulsory for European power companies to produce or trade green power, says ...

Building a wind industgry in Quebec -- Bids to meet call for 1000 MW of wind total 3995 MW

Canadian utility Hydro-Quebec has received 32 bids totalling nearly 4000 MW in response to its reque...

Moving fast and shaking up

As wind power's traditional markets in Europe mature, Portugal is among the countries taking over wh...

No extension for mandatory target -- Prime minister ignores advice

The Australian wind industry is reassessing its future after Premier John Howard announced that the ...

California market set to bloom again -- Regulators order new renewables capacity and transmission

California's aggressive renewables portfolio standard (RPS) got the lift it needed last month when t...

Brazil announces contract winners -- Proinfa participants

Brazil's federal power company Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras) has selected 27 wind proj...

Catalogue of attacks on wind

British wind energy has been hit be a veritable onslaught of negative press this year, added to in r...

Eco Power plans to triple wind power capacity

Japan's Eco Power Co plans to increase its share capital and work with project financing to triple i...

Wind profits for blind children -- The power of sight in India

Thanks to a US wind power developer, children from India's Bobbli Blind School near Chennai have rec...

Action required before more targets -- EU renewables review

A European action plan for offshore wind is among a number of concrete proposals by the European Com...

Factoring in cost of environmental risk

Consumers could save as much as $5 billion a year if utilities in the western United States follow a...

Home market focus by global player

Japan is at a crucial turning point concerning the direction of its wind energy development, says th...

Pushing renewables up the agenda

The world's largest ever international conference on renewable energy concluded in Bonn last month w...

Province releases ambitious strategy

The Canadian east coast province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) has embarked on an ambitious renewabl...

Jamaica gets first big wind plant

Jamaica has been almost entirely dependent on imported oil for its energy requirements until the ope...

Wind turbine manufacturers to get safety stamp of approval

Wind turbine manufacturers will soon be able to get the UL stamp of approval on their turbines, simi...

Giant turbine nears series production -- Largest in operation

Enercon inaugurated its third 4.5 MW prototype wind turbine at the Wybelsumer Polder wind station at...

Advancing with offshore wind and gas co-generation project

An offshore wind and natural gas co-generation project in the east Irish Sea has advanced to the eng...

Centrica begins site surveys off English coast

Geotechnical studies of the seabed have begun by energy company Centrica for two wind farms off Engl...

Two North Sea pilot projects get stage further

Two neighbouring North Sea offshore pilot projects for a total of 160 wind turbines have won conditi...

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