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153 results

Still on the block for new bids -- Enron not a done deal yet

An auction of Enron Wind will take place on April 2 in New York if additional bids are submitted in ...

German turbine manufacturer RePower prepares flotation

German turbine manufacturer RePower Systems was preparing a flotation on the new markets section of ...

Prototypes on way for offshore

Enercon has postponed installation of its prototype 4.5 MW machine near its manufacturing works in M...

Financial footwork not philanthropy -- Working around NETA

A groundbreaking deal between a relative newcomer to wind power, Hainsford Energy Limited, and giant...

Making wind competitive -- Calls for Ontario RPS multiply

A renewables portfolio standard (RPS) is key to a strategy that could see up to 3000 MW of wind powe...

The new commodity in town

The United Nations defined them, the Kyoto climate protocol is trying to give them a legal policy ba...

Minister keen on green credit trade -- Nuclear phase out

Belgium's energy minister, Olivier Deleuze, has announced plans to phase out nuclear power, with win...

NEG Micon deal a kickstart to turbine manufacturing in Australia but no industry boom

The prospect of wind turbine manufacture starting up in Australia is not synonymous with the start o...

London Electricity invests in renewables buying wind portfolio

London Electricity (LE) Group has recently invested £6.5 million in renewables. It bought Northern E...

Utilities' disclosure requirement a key element of power market liberalisation in the EU

A requirement on all electricity suppliers to disclose to final customers the fuel mix of their elec...

Northern Ireland clears barrier -- Regulator steps in with imbalance solution

New rules to expand the market for electricity from wind in Northern Ireland are coming into force t...

Shortfall of supply to meet obligation

Just two weeks before the start of the UK's Renewables Obligation on April 1, generators have passed...

Politicians call for higher targets

An influential group of Northern Ireland Assembly members is calling for more ambitious targets for ...

Bonus turbines expected to be in place at Kennewick by August

The first batch of Bonus turbines destined for a ridge outside of Kennewick, Washington, left Denmar...

Back on track after winter dip -- Industry annual reports

The Danish wind industry barely managed to start effecting the reductions in working hours it announ...

California's new investment plan

California's newly formed Power Authority has approved a plan to facilitate financing of about 475 M...

Few believers in forecast boom

The year 2002 could see a record number of wind turbines built in the Netherlands according to figur...

Unlocking the huge Dakotas potential

North Dakota has more wind power potential than any other US state and the enthusiasm of its citizen...

Holland's Afsluitdijk 300 MW plan rejected by parliament

The Dutch parliament has rejected cabinet-backed plans for the long-mooted 300 MW Inter-Provincial W...

Wheels of planning reform grind slowly -- Target requires 1000 MW a year

A more positive planning regime is key to the UK being able to meet its 10% goal for renewable energ...

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