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135 results

Enel Green Power heads south to offset gloom in Italy

WORLDWIDE: Italian renewable energy group Enel Green Power (EGP) is targeting wind power in Latin Am...

Consultation claim stops 112MW build

CHILE: The construction of Ecopower's 112MW Chiloe wind farm has been suspended after the Chilean su...

Industry scrutinises voluntary guidelines

UNITED STATES: The wind industry and its critics are scrambling to fully comprehend the scope of the...

Forest U-turn unlocks 6GW wind potential

GERMANY: Germany's inland state of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW) has suggested siting wind turbines i...

Interview - AWEA chief executive Denise Bode

UNITED STATES: The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) was set up in 1974 and currently boasts m...

Manufacturers suffer pain of market slump

AUSTRALIA: Local manufacturers have fallen on lean times as wind projects stall across Australia due...

Industry dismay as tax loophole closes

INDIA: A tax incentive credited with propelling India's wind-power sector since its inception in the...

Wind industry takes gloves off in PR fight

UNITED KINGDOM: Wind's public relations war is intensifying, with the industry publishing a swathe o...

Task force calls for state intervention

UNITED KINGDOM: There is a strong case for public sector intervention in offshore wind to resolve ma...

Leasing plan "could let in speculators"

UNITED STATES: As the US starts to open up parts of its east coast to commercial wind farm leasing, ...

Wind sites blocked as gas given priority.

POLAND: The ready-to-boom Polish offshore wind sector has been stopped in its tracks by the environm...

Slowing growth sparks $16 billion service market

CHINA: China's explosive growth in wind capacity, combined with poor-quality turbine components, has...

Tariff cut under new auctions threatens investment flight

ITALY: Italy's plans to cap incentives under a new auction scheme, plus delays to green certificate ...

Wind sector reviews FIT cut impact

CANADA: Ontario should remain an attractive destination for investment despite its decision to cut i...

Solyndra bankruptcy scandal spills over into wind projects

UNITED STATES: Four wind farms, totalling over 1GW installed capacity that benefited from a $16 bill...

Bahia aims high with strategy for gigawatt projects

BRAZIL: Having attracted major wind companies to open local factories, the state is now authorising ...

Hitachi joins shift to wind post-Fukushima

JAPAN: Hitachi has become the latest Japanese nuclear power plant builder to increase its presence i...

Ready and waiting to make vital connections

EUROPE: It has become clear that wind energy is driving the expansion and upgrading of electricity d...

RoI tweaks FIT but curtailment is key

Wind-energy developers in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) are getting to grips with revised rules gove...

Sempra leads in Mexico wind exports

UNITED STATES: Mexican wind power could start to be delivered to the US for the first time as early ...

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